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(1 edit)

that was an very incredible game even i got scared and i played things like outlast without getting scared

Incroyable ce jeu !!! J'ai beaucoup aimer, j'espère qu'il y en aura un deuxième un jour ;)

I really enjoyed this horror mystery. The concept of closing your eyes to escape danger is brilliantly terrifying~

I absolutely loved this game! It was horrifying at parts, and man, if I didn't live up to my name on these puzzles, haha! I stumbled through that with as little grace as possible, but hey, even I could do it! Keep up the good work, I can't wait to see what else you do in the future.

God, man, this game is great. It's very interesting to solve puzzles. A smiling shell is chasing me. It's so scary! Close your eyes and see the strange world!


I ain't closing shit expect doors

You know I hate cuss words.


I'm sorry, for my rude actions, my behavior was so out of normal, i should punish myself for not playing any of these games for 2 days, i am sorry Rush, i didn't mean for my bad behavior to go this far, My apologies.

It's ok, just, make sure to not do it again, you might not know if they might be a 10 year old or not.

Oh Ok





the fact that they made a game that let you close your eyes and fufill your own desires was amazing but YOU STILL HAD TO KEEP GOING! the story telling combined with the jump scares is so well done 10/10 game.


*The gameplay mechanic of opening and closing your eyes is used in an original (and terrifying ) way that was even used for navigation puzzles. 

*Polished graphics and a few scenes with different art styles.

*Some simple but well thought out "find the code" challenges.

*A story that can AND NEEDS to be expanded on. (sequel  time?) 

*Awesome huge Spookey Statues ٩(º౪º๑)۶

*At times it had a unique feeling that a haunted house gives you that's hard to describe. This developer has a made and distinguishable style and I love it. 

This game feels like visage from 2013. So perfect!


Linux player here. First let me say that what I was able to play properly was absolutely brilliant, atmospheric, unique, and genuinely horrifying. However, the Linux version definitely needs some work. I'm not sure if it's a dependancy issue or something, but certain transitions will not load, leaving the player in a black screen.

The first instance of this occurs i nthe VIEW facility at the start, after the "facility unstable" sign and the player gets attacked by big dress lady (no idea what to call them lol). From what I've seen on Youtube, what ought to occur here is transportation to some other realm after a static transition. Instead I am left in a black screen. I can move forward blindly (eyes open or closed, still can't see), to get to the next area, but this issue persists. The green eye upstairs that hints the player on what to do appears to use the same transition, and this time leaves you completely stranded in a black screen, no audio, and no return to the gameworld.

This renders the game practically unplayable after escaping the husk in the elevator, as I presume a "green eye" is needed for the hint to unlock the combination for the door. Now I could brute force it as there are only 1000 possible keys with no timeout, but I really shouldn't have to.

Furthermore, the shellscript to boot the game appears to create the following filepath for the games .uproject file:


I'm no expert at shellscript, but from what I can tell, I believe this filepath references the "CloseYourEyes" directory which has the "Content" folder in it. In this directory there is no uproject file. I ran 'sudo find / -iname *.uproject', and only found a reference to a different game on my entire system. In the Content folder one finds mp4 files, likely the transitions, so it's my guess that if this file is missing, then the game has no file to point you to, and you're left at a black screen. I could be wrong though. I am also yet to test the game on other distros, though I just might to see if that's the issue.

Here are my system specs if that helps:

Thanks for this report, I will look into it.

This game was really good! Can’t say I 100% understand the story, but sill enjoyed the gameplay and visuals! Got all the endings, too!

this game was really cool! I liked it  a lot. puzzle solving and exploration / creatures trying to get you... what more could you ask for :D 

Can't start the game without Oculus starting it in VR. Has made it completely unplayable normally.

It was a really nice game, I have more expectations from this producer, I wish you continued success :)

Also, I would love to see a new game from this producer.


Played this yesterday on stream and I cannot compliment the dev enough.  I think every aspect of this was perfectly executed.  This really embodies the artistry of indie game development and I feel lucky to have played it.  Amazing work.

IndyRush on Twitch

Thanks so much :)

The game was PHENOMENAL. Perfect mixture of puzzle solving, scary but not being in your face, as well as a pinch of sillyness. I loved it. Here is my video playing it to almost entrety (only got one ending). 10/10 for short indie games.

Close Your Eyes is a puzzle horror game where u only rely on your eyes to survive


The game does not work for me!

What is so hard about pointing out that it is a 64 bit game?


what game engine you use?

i think they used unreal engine 4

Hey,  I’m an amateur developer looking for work, and to gain some experience in the industry. Are you by chance looking to hire for future projects? 

Currently, no. But I appreciate the offer. Good luck with your job search!


Markiplier played your game!

This game took me on a whole trip but I finished it :D I enjoyed playing it. Thank you 

It was very interesting. A mysterious view of the world.


Hello, I tried this game out for a video. It was not bad, I liked the game mechanic. But I have to admit. At one point I guess I was just to dumb to figure out how to continue. Still, pretty good game.

My full playtrough

(1 edit)

game crashes whenever i start it
and crash reporter says something like this:



You do not have any debugging symbols required to display the callstack for this crash.


That was a super unique experience. At first I thought the entire game was going to take place in the facility, but the variety of different environments ranging from tunnels to abstract noise art realms really surprised me, and it made the entire game feel like a grand adventure. 

One thing I did find confusing at first was the stuff you see when you close your eyes, I originally thought it was just mental cues you remember from the rooms, but then you could see through walls and not even see or recognize the things that obviously made a lot of sound. Later in the game of course it was a lot more clearer, but I do feel like explaining it near the start of the game could be beneficial.

Aside from that, I loved the game. It had a variety of environments, puzzles, and damn stressful chase sequences which felt very rewarding to beat. Congrats on the game!

Such an awesome concept Wow! :)) 5/5

Incredible game! The idea of it is so cool, I love how our surroundings change whenever we close our eyes. Nice job!

This game was awesome! We liked the concept idea, the story and the gameplay! We also find all the endings in this one!  You did an amazing job! Keep it up! 


hey gamagami i hope your family get cancer and die slowly suffering from omar eltahan.8=====D this is definatly the worst game i ever played i hope your god fuck you till death <3

                                                                                                                                                   take care

                                                                                                                                                  your nigga

                                                                                                                   giannuba22 monarxidis!


lol mad ass

why are you so mad, What did he do?


stfu nigger. fuck ur gay ass allah and ur whole family. i hope ur testicals fall off while u masturbate u fucking monkey. if u want to fight 1v1 me in fortnite. epic name dxtsefire

take care dimitris tsoumplekas from greece <3

Fortnite 💀

fuck you and your nigga dick in your mouth i hope cancer to every member of your family.i hope your grandma dies from holera and you mom gets rapped till death by omar eltahan family you were born from garbage and your testicles fucking explode while you get fuck by black niggers i hope your dog get hit by a car and you get shot by black monkey niggers 

                                                                            take care

                                                                             your love

omar eltahan

When I open the game there's no sound. Fixes anyone?

Sorry for the stupid question...  I downloaded this on Linux. What do I do now? I would love to play this game pleez halp


This game was amazing, really cool concept of the eyes being closed to see. I streamed this last night on Twitch, my viewers loved it. Anymore releases coming out? 

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