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Loving the game so far! It's keeping me on edge for most of it so far and atmosphere makes everyhting feel intense! I hope you enjoy the video! 


Wowee. I luv. Next time definitely not going to starbucks.

FR cant believe this game is free. thx.

No mechanic felt overused. Everything felt natural and fluid. Puzzles were frequent enough but not forced, kept it entertaining. Spooks didn't feel expected or inauthentic. Would pay for game. ty ty


Yo dude I got really into your game and speedran it, hope you enjoy!


lol my friend and i aren't done playing and seeing ur thumbnail makes me scared to continue 



Oh my word, this is an experience! Love the intuitive controls guide at the beginning, and then the instant hurtling of the player into a hellscape!

The atmosphere is amazing, it looks great and the pay offs are fantastic. Well worth checking out, and I certainly hope we see more. Keep up the great work =)


Well that all happened. I promise I had 0 nightmares....okay maybe 50.


great game colin really great absolutely loved it here is pt 3 greetings from germany 


I played the entire thing in one go. (will be 2 videos) but GAHH I hate horror games. My own footsteps scared me! I'm happy I played it though. Good game.

(also early on I say noise crackle was from the game. I believe it was actually just to loud in my headphones)


Well This game makes me want to continue playing more of it...


I have titled my video for this game - "The most amazing Indie game ever made"... And I bloody mean it. 

This game broke my brain with it's unexpected awesomeness. I liked everything about this game. If you like mind bending horror adventures, I highly suggest that you play this game. But if you are short on time, I have made a video of all the best bits. Thank you so much for this game Colin and team. You have made my year.

Thank you so much!


This was a lot more puzzling than I was anticipating, but a cool demo. The hand part did end my run tho.


I love this. I'm not sure I understand exactly what was going on but I love how you took an interesting game mechanic, then built a bizarre world around it. Lots of fun!


Very nice game! Thanks for making a fun game

Deleted 2 years ago

What are your computer's specs? Are you able to run other Unreal 4 games? Have you tried re-downloading the game?

Deleted 2 years ago

Try running this Unreal 4 game and see if it works:

Deleted 2 years ago

Amazing game, had a great experience With it, loved all the endings!


This was damn awesome game with really spooky environment and gameplay being pretty scary with the mechanic that is the name of this game.Not sure if I understood the endings but still I had great scary time and I hope to see more from u guys


This is so good! Scared the shit out of me in the elevator when i had to run :D Please give us more of this!


Damn never thought opening your eyes to see can be scary.


Great job! Love this game it kept me on edge the whole time and really brought something different to the plate.


This game was genuinely unnerving. I swear it's been quite some time since I felt so uneasy. Got me squealing like a little girl. Thanks man. 


I loved this game, it left me amazed throughout the entire game, it was terrifying.  10/10 would recommend.


This game was freakin' terrifying. Worthy of a playthrough for horror fans.

I reviewed your game to let our fans know! Super scary.

Thanks for taking the time to write this! By the way, what bugs did you encounter? 


No problem, Colin. It turns out it wasn't a bug. I was just stuck at one part and then figured it out. I've updated the write-up to reflect the changes!


Colin, this is fantastic. This game has given me chills, something a horror game hasn't done for a while (excluding Emily wants to play). This game is worth paying for and should be put on Steam. As John Wolfe said the mechanics are definitely interesting, and the story is consistent. I am excited to play more of this! 

Negatives: personally, I struggled to figure out some puzzles. I'm not good at puzzle games, so this is just me. Otherwise, I hope this story gets a sequel. Thanks for the good times Colin.

- Blackfist


Thank you!


OH GOD, THAT'S A HUSK! | Close Your Eyes

one of the coolest/creepiest games i've played! that husk is terrifying XD really good job on creating this game!! :D


That closing your eyes mechanic sure does add suspense doesn't it? hahahaha. The puzzles start off fairly easy enough but, get harder later. I get stumped don't want to ruin it for anyone but, seems other people are having a bit of a struggle as well! Question that is still on my mind are we a robot test subject?

How long is this game?

About 40-50 minutes


Thank you :D

(1 edit) (+1)

All in all I was very impressed with this. Some really great and tense sequences with some simple puzzle areas to mix it up a bit. Much more surreal than I was expecting.

Definitely worth a try.


Hello Colin, my name is Colin XD


this must be one of the greatest games i have found on itch io insanely good job greetings from germany :D

part 2


Looks like a great game! If you want some music or sound fx for it just ask ;)


Haha, yes this game is hard but I was able to complete it.  I recommend this game it is super freaky.  5/5.

YouTuber:  Fellowplayer


Gave it a go...

This was a BRILLIANT puzzle-horror. It blew me away. Everyone does the 'Weeping Angel' thing and you took that concept and flipped it backwards-upside-down. The puzzles were super unique and decently challenging (but not TOO challenging) - which is great, given it's primarily horror. The atmosphere was everything I'd ever ask for in a horror game. Many, many times (even not in puzzle sequences) I was asking myself "WHAT DO I DO"

That and the twistyness that goes down about halfway through just screamed masterpiece. No bugs on my end. No glitches. Just awesomeness. Thanks so much for making this.


I pretty much covered all of my thoughts in my review above, but in this video for some reason my face cam lags a little in a specific scene in the game. Not sure if the scene just runs a little harder on the PC or not, it’s just something I noticed. Again, great game!


(1 edit)

Aaaand the crashing finale! You’ll see my full review at the end of this video! This game was AMAZING. My favorite indie horror game of the year, so far. It’s like you got into my brain and took everything that I like about a horror game and put it into this!

Aaaand this is probably my FINAL video on the game. This game was so good that it got it's own playlist xD | I'm really happy that you put so much work into this one and I can't wait for your next project. Now I'm off to play LEVEL DOWN! :D!


If anyone is stuck check out the video. Colin, I hope to see more projects from you, this was a.. unique experience. :)

PS For anyone watching, please consider subscribing for a copious amounts of indie games. 

i love it but scared me alot i threw my mouse at the wall lol


Is one of the best horror games so far very well done.


I don't thin I'm very far into this yet, but from what I've seen, I like it. The atmosphere is dark and oppressive, the environment is claustrophobic and the eye mechanic, which I thought was going to feel very gimmicky, works really well. I'm impressed so far and looking forward to more!

(2 edits) (+2)

(This is the FULL playthrough if you get lost or wanna see the ending) One of the best indie horror games I've played so far this year. Definitely worth playing! LOVED IT!

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